The Flinders Medical Students’ Society was established in 1975 and is the peak organisation representing medical students at Flinders for issues affecting students such as curriculum and teaching, internship places, and student wellbeing.
“FMSS is the the best way for Medical Students to be heard by the College. ”
FMSS has a membership base of over 600 medical students, comprising more than 95% of the medical student cohort at Flinders. Our members come from a wide range of age groups and professional and academic backgrounds, and this diversity is represented in the activities of our society. FMSS provides a range of academic, social and community-based activities aimed at ensuring student success during medical school and beyond.
Mission statement:
FMSS is dedicated to developing a unified, positive culture within Flinders Medicine. We endeavour to engage, educate, support and advocate for our student body and wider community.
2024 Goals and Objectives:
Strive to maintain and develop the healthy, engaging, and safe culture seen within the student body at Flinders
Mentorship and vertical integration – Continue and improve the mentorship program to encourage cross-cohort relationships and camaraderie through friendship and academic support, engaging clinical science students, MD students and offshore and onshore international students.
Clinical Sciences — Endeavour to engage more clinical science students in events, and enhance advocacy where possible.
Committee – Instill a feeling of empowerment to engage meaningfully with their role and portfolio, as well as feel connected with all committee members to facilitate continuity of participation in FMSS
Communicate effectively and professionally as an advocacy group, and act as a direct link between the College of Medicine and Public Health, the wider community, and the student body
Endeavour to release succinct and clear communique to the student body to promote awareness of any ongoing changes or current issues
Continue to maintain a focus on mental health as a priority within the school-life balance across the student body and the FMSS committee
Continue to support the annual mental health events within the FMSS calendar
Encourage committee members to develop an understanding and awareness of their burnout signs, and create an environment where peer support can be sought at all times
Provide opportunities for the committee to network and bond through retreat events
Expand FMSS’ contribution to and presence in the wider community
Fundraising – maximize opportunities to contribute financially to local communities in need through community events in the FMSS calendar, and expenditure rationalization.
LGBTIQA+ events – utilize the Equity portfolio to add meaningful LGBTIQA+ event(s) to the FMSS calendar.
Indigenous portfolio – work closely with the FMSS Indigenous Officer to support the interests of and advocate for Indigenous communities and ensure FMSS is a culturally safe organization.
Increase the presence of FMSS by utilizing the social media portfolio to improve engagement and regular communication with the student body.
Better use of stories and main page
Continue the work to upgrade our webspace
Continue and improve FMSS’ engagement with Northern Territory FMSS, special interest groups and Adelaide Medical Students’ Society (AMSS) to facilitate integration, mutual goal setting and camaraderie between all organizations.
Increase engagement and integration between Flinders medical students and graduates through a group mentorship program between alumni and students.
Increase efforts to make FMSS and collaborative events more affordable to the student body, enhance engagement with financial aid.
The success of FMSS depends on the many medical students and staff who volunteer their time and skills, and also the generosity of our sponsors.
What We do
Represent student concerns to the Course Administration, College of Medicine, and University - and get results
Provide quality academic resources for members. From peer-teaching to clinical exam practice to up-to-date seminars.
Strengthen the collegiate culture within the MD programme, and foster inter-year engagement.
Supply financial support grants to members in need
Deliver access to clinicians and academics for career planning and development
Provide Medical Students with an opportunity to engage in our community
Organise fun and safe events for the MD cohort
Engage with medical students on a national and international level through the Australian Medical Association [AMA] and Australian Medical Students’ Association [AMSA]